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Wharton Stories:
“If I think about the two bigger economic issues than trade, they are market access and innovation — who’s going to control innovation in the 21st century.”
Dean Garrett on Why Trade Isn’t the Biggest Issue Between the U.S. and China
The Penn Wharton China Center welcomed President Amy Gutmann to Beijing, where she discussed the growing connection between Penn, China, and the world.
Highlights from an Evening in Beijing with Penn President Amy Gutmann
The award-winning WRDS platform continues to expand its offerings, deepening researcher engagement and expanding resources for students and instructors around the world.
Wharton Research Data Services Makes Big Data Digestible
Penn/Wharton alumni and industry experts from leading Chinese companies explore the rise of these industries in China and share insights about the new opportunities and challenges they pose.
PWCC Panel Discussion Explores the Future of China’s Cultural and Creative Industries
Penn alumni and Chinese musicians connect at the Penn Wharton China Center in Beijing for a folk arts performance.
Penn Wharton China Center Celebrates Chinese Folk Performing Arts
PWCC and Future Aerospace hosted the 2018 International Salon of Commercial Space Industry Development and Investment to look at new opportunities in the field.
Experts Convene at Penn Wharton China Center to Explore the Future of the Commercial Aerospace Industry
The impact of the Beijing-based center and research fund has been far-reaching on campus and in China.
Three Years On: A Look at the Penn Wharton China Center
Founder, chairman, and CEO of Arrail Group, Robert Zou, WG’94, shares takeaways from his experience as an entrepreneur in China and his success in the health care sector.
6 Pieces of Advice for New Entrepreneurs in China — and Beyond
A three-day joint Global Modular Course blends classroom knowledge and cultural learning for MBA students from Wharton and Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management.
MBA Students Head to Beijing for an Immersive Learning Experience on Marketing to the Chinese Consumer
After hosting her first book launch at Penn Wharton China Center, Winter Peng, WG’18, talks about how she found new opportunities and connections in the creative world through business school.
How This Fintech Investor Found a Way to Combine Her Finance Background and Love for Storytelling
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